Hotel Bookings

If you are buying a travel insurance for your visa application, you may need a hotel reservation as an additional requirement by the embassy. We provide great discounts on hotel reservations and instant confirmations.


We are also specialized in visa purpose hotel bookings where you don't need to pay for entire amount for your hotel booking but just pay a nominal fee and get a confirmed reservation that are acceptable by embassies and can be verified with hotel as well. Give us a call for more information.


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What are Visa Purpose Hotel Bookings

Many foreign embassies require that you provide a confirmed hotel reservation at the time of visa application. Travelers on the other hand usually do not wish to prepay full amount of their stay before the visa is issued.

A real time booking is made for you which has flexible cancellation terms. Your hotel reservation stays confirmed until the agreed time and can be verified from the hotel anytime.

Customer just pays a small amount in terms of service and cancellation fee and avoids paying full reservation amount or facing heavy cancellation fees in case of visa rejection.

Some embassies may require fully paid hotel reservation in some situations, in that case the booking process may be different.

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